Also, since electricity input is needed for the heat pump, optimal utilisation of these heat resources can be achieved by the integration of heat and electricity networks. This can be facilitated by the use of thermal storage, as it can reduce peak loads on the electricity grid as well as enhance the efficiency of the distribution network. In addition, waste heat source availability often varies with time,so smart controls may be needed for efficient use of these energy systems. LoT-NET aims to investigate how the integration of these technologies into smart thermal networks will shape the future of heating and cooling, both in the UK and internationally.
It is notable that to date, smart thermal networks are less well understood than smart power networks, although significantly more energy is used in our homes and businesses as heat rather than electricity. Our programme will address these issues through a focus on how waste heat (and cold) can be recovered and used, for example by incorporating these low carbon energy resources in smart, thermal and electrical energy systems.